About Me

My photo
San Antonio, TX, United States
I am a wife, mother and a Christian. I have a loving husband, Chris and four, handsome, and active boys. We are so very blessed with a wonderful family. We are even more blessed with our Christian family. God has truly smiled on our family. We are growing in His love daily.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

We are having a.........

BOY!!!! We went for our ultrasound the other day we were officially confirmed boy! We are very excited for Liam to have little brother! I know he will make a wonderful big brother. Now all we need to do is agree on a name.

Side profile 

Sucking thumb! 

This was our 70% boy shot from 13 weeks!

This is our shot from 19 weeks! 

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Okay so I am not a super great mom. I didn't take tons of pictures and I didn't take a family picture this year. Sorry. But I did get some of Liam this morning with his Easter basket and hunting eggs. We had a great day. We enjoyed a wonderful Church class, time with family and friends, and lots of food!

Seeing his Easter basket for the first time

Curious George the movie! 

Look!!!! I found an egg! 

More eggs! 

I love hunting eggs!!!! 

He had to dump put all his eggs while watching his new movie!!!! 

My friend April made it into Texas for Easter! I was so excited to see her!!! We had a great time catching up and laughing! 

Pillow Castle

Liam and I had this Saturday morning to spend together. I need to prep some things for Easter and do some cleaning. Liam was happy to let me since he was busy making his pillow castle. He played for a good hour by himself in this castle. He would move the pillows and jump on them. It was super cute to watch and listen too! 

Making the castle even better with more pillows!!! 

Testing out the stability! 

Hey mom! I am in my castle! 

Look!!!! Dinosaur!!!! Dinosaurs are his favorite thing to imagine! 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

New Sprinkler

We investing in a new sprinkler yesterday afternoon. Liam has been waiting all day to try it out. He was so excited to use his new sprinkler. I am still sad that we are only in the beginning of April and using the sprinkler. It just means we will be in the pool soon and having a hot summer.

Playing with the wiggle worms on it. 

Poppy loved it until it got her in the face. She was so cute out there. 

Liam adores Reef. He will do anything to play with him and follows him around. 

They were trying to drink the water form the wiggle worm things. 

This was as close to the water that Lachlan got. He is not one for getting wet. 

Preschool Easter

We had a busy morning with our preschool Easter party. Liam was very excited sine both Chris and I were there. Usually he only gets me since Chris works. Chris was in charge of helping hide eggs. He did a great job. We did have a slight miscount of the eggs but thankfully we cleared that up and everyone went away happy!

walking to hunt eggs

and we are off

I was busy helping some of the kids find eggs, so there are not many pictures of Liam hunting................ Sorry :(

Best class picture I have after the egg hunt

Coloring his bag

Dancing around with Miss Colleen

More Dancing! 

Easter Playgroup

We held the annual Easter egg hunt for playgroup. It was lots of fun with all the kids. This year Liam is really into hunting the eggs. Boy does he love it! It was lots of fun to watch all the kids run around. I didn't get a good picture of the group. Maybe one of the other moms had better luck.

Hunting Eggs

Look at that face! 

It gets intense

I think we see some more eggs

Checking out our eggs! 


Liam loves playdough. Yesterday he asked to play. He wanted to cook dinner for with his playdough. Since I was cooking dinner, Chris helped out with the playdough. They made shapes and silly things. It was fun to see him play. After he made each animal he would bring it to me and shoe me. He also would hug it and say "I love ...what ever animal he and Chris made..."So cute.


Liam is into wrestling full force. He loves it! I love watching. It is fun to see how he plays with Chris and he loves to wrestle with the Gibbins boys too!

Climbing on daddy

Using daddy as a launch pad

This is cute! 

More sprinkler time

I know it is barely April and we are at the sprinkler again. I can't believe we are able to use the sprinkler. It makes me sad since this means we will be having a hot summer. I am not looking forward to being pregnant all summer. Chris and Liam used the sprinkler and loved it. We did learn that we need a new sprinkler. This one is on it's last leg.


I love this face!

Liam and Daddy! 

Fixing cars

Since Liam received his tool kit from his Da, he has been fixing everything in site. We were outside the other day and he fixed his car before going to the store and getting his daddy more homework. He cracks me up.

Look at that concentration! 

Diggers and Dump Trucks

We had some contruction at the end of our street for a water pipe. This involved a digger on a trailer attached to a dump truck. Liam was so excited to see the digger. Every day for 3 days. He still askes about it.

Looking out the window

Watching the digger unload

Look at that face!!! 

And let the work begin. I think he would have stood there all day to watch! 

Cake class

For my birthday, Chris set me up with a cake decorating class. I was able to take Lauren with me. It was wonderful to get out of the house for a few hours each Monday night. It was a lot of fun. Here is the finished cake.

Yellow and pink.... very bright! 

Car washing

So I think we all know that Chris loves a clean car. He has even started to teach Liam about cleaning the cars. It is cute. Liam gets his own bucket and towel. His favorite part is the water hose or fire hose as he calls it.

Helping daddy! 

Rinsing the car! 

Curious George

Liam has discovered Curious George. He loves the books and was more excited when he learned there was a show. Since we don't watch much TV he settles for reading all the books. We have officially wiped out our library of every Curious George book they had to offer. This is how I found him one day. I was in the kitchen clean and it suddenly got really quiet.......

He piled all the pillows around him to read! 

What is not to love about this little boy?

Playing with Uncle Dylan

Dylan has been visiting us weekly for some time. Liam loves to see his Uncle Dylan. They play and have lots of fun. Liam likes to play monster ( three guesses who the monster is?) and wrestle with him. It is So much fin to watch them interact.

Playing catch with the ball

Reading before bed