About Me

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San Antonio, TX, United States
I am a wife, mother and a Christian. I have a loving husband, Chris and four, handsome, and active boys. We are so very blessed with a wonderful family. We are even more blessed with our Christian family. God has truly smiled on our family. We are growing in His love daily.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

When Liam and Chris help with laundry.....

So the other day,  I was doing Liam's laundry. He had received a large amount of clothes for Christmas and a large amount of hand-me-downs from a friend. So I decided it was time to wash everything and put it all away. Things we moving along nicely and I was making great progress.... until Liam came over, then Chris come over. The two of them started to play with my clean laundry. This is the result.......

Liam with his pj bottoms on his head!!! He thought is was funny!!

Helping mommy unfold the clothes!!!!

Christmas 2009

Well this was Liam's first Christmas. We thought he was going to love it. He just loves paper and well, Christmas presents have tons of paper. We decided not to put the tree up until the night of the 23rd. Since Liam has started crawling and moving nothing is safe. I thought for sure he was going to love the tree. I mean it is big, green, has shiny things and it is new. What is not to love? Well he hardly noticed it. Ava, our cat was more in love with it. We knew she loved the tree. Our first year she ate through the lights on the tree so we had a dead spot in the middle. This year we had a secret weapon in the battle of Ava vs the Tree........ the water bottle. She feared the water bottle. It really helped.

Our Tree..... 98% of all presents were for Liam......

Chris decorated the outside of the house.... All he wanted to do was have lights outside. It was an adventure. He was like a kid in a candy store.... We had to have just the right lights and they had to place in a certain manner. It was cute to watch. Since this is the first house we had for Christmas he got to decorate the outside. He has already started to plan for next year and how to make it better. He was so excited about putting lights up he helped our neighbor put some up too.

Our House with lights

On Christmas Eve, Chris' family come over. We had too much food and lots of presents. We had a wonderful time. Liam stayed up way past his bedtime. But he loved the attention. I was surprised that with Liam's love of paper he was not that interested in the wrapping paper. So his uncles and aunt helped him. Liam loved all the toys. I think he was a little over whelmed by everything. Ava however was in love with all the paper and boxes. She was so happy to have all these new boxes to play with!

Liam opening his first present!

Liam loves the clothes he got..... He also loves the tag!!!

Everyone opening presents!!!

I thought that since Liam was up an hour and 45 minutes past his bedtime....... he might sleep past 7am. Nope! He was up bright and early at 7am. After he finished his morning bottle, we started with the presents. He loved all the toys. At first he wanted the chatter box phone from his Aunt Maria, but the he say the rolling tiger from his Grandma and Grandpa Walker. Well after that he had to have my pal scout from the Glenns. Then he was all about the books from his Nanny and Da. Then he had to chew on the tags from the clothes his Auntie Colleen and cousin Noah got him..... There was just so much to choice from. If that was not enough to overwhelm the poor child we then gave him his new tunnel, walker and mirror!!! After all the he had to take a 2 hour nap to prepare  for that afternoon.

Liam and his chatter phone and table

Liam and some of his many new books!

Liam and his My Pal Scout dog!

Liam and his rolling tiger/leopard toy!

Liam and his mirror..... We all know how much Liam loves to look at himself...

After Liam's nap we went over to our neighbor's house for Christmas lunch. It was nice to have all the kids together. Liam enjoyed playing with the other boys. One of the older boys had his remote control car out..... Liam was in love with it. He would just stare at it with wonderment. (I am not sure it that is a word but I am making it one now.) Liam loves all his toys. He had a very blessed Christmas. Chris and I also had a very blessed Christmas. We truly enjoyed having friends and family over. It makes the holiday.

The love of the stolen Lego block

On Thanksgiving, Liam discovered a yellow Lego piece he could chew on at our neighbors house. Little did we know that Liam was not going to let go of this Lego piece. On our way home realized that Liam still had said Lego piece. We let the neighbors know of the theft but Liam still has yet to give it back. It is one of his favorite chew toys. He takes it out and chews and plays with it. He loves this yellow Lego block.The good news it that our neighbors don't mind the theft of their Lego piece. I just can't believe out of all the toys he has that this is the go to chewing toy for him. Not only can we chew on it, but it is great to bang on things. It is a very universal toy!

Chewing on the Lego while watching Wilbur the cow

Playing and chewing on that Lego

He loves this Lego!!!

Even when he is drinking his bottle the Lego is nearby....

I would also like to point out that with each picture Liam is wearing less and less clothes. We are now in the I hate to get dressed phase of our life. He hates to get dressed. The other day he threw such a fit he almost made himself throw up. He would be so happy if I just let him run around naked. He is not a big fan of the diaper either but it is a mommy must. I am hoping this phase of nakedness ends soon.