About Me

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San Antonio, TX, United States
I am a wife, mother and a Christian. I have a loving husband, Chris and four, handsome, and active boys. We are so very blessed with a wonderful family. We are even more blessed with our Christian family. God has truly smiled on our family. We are growing in His love daily.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Coloring Eggs

This was the first year of coloring eggs with Liam. I was not sure how it was going to go with him. But he loved it. It was great fun. I also learned that Chris never dyed eggs as a kid. This was very strange to me but he thought it was weird that I never had confetti egg. It is interesting to see how different we grew up. Liam was ready to get right in there with the eggs. He defiantly did not understand that the eggs were breakable and he dropped them in the cups! Liam had not reservations about sticking his hands in the colored water to get the eggs out. He thought it was great!

Round one of the egg dying

fishing out some eggs

Dropping in some eggs for more color! 

Look at those hand. Who knows when that egg will come off! 

Having some fun! 

And we dumped out all the dye! 

Play Group Easter Egg Hunt

We are on round 2 of egg hunting. This time we were at playgroup.  There were massive amounts of kids. It was almost as big as our halloween group! I guess all of us moms wanted to get use our of those Easter baskets! Liam was ready for round 2. After perfecting putting the eggs int eh basket at the first egg hunt this one was going to be a cake walk for him. Liam was at the back of the massive our pore of children into the backyard. He didn't seem to mind. To took off for the sand box. He had it all to himself for the most part. He was doing great getting the eggs and putting them in his basket. It was fun until he saw someone get into the plastic car. You know the one. The red one with the yellow top. I think every kid had one or knew a friend with one. He loves this car. He has one and well he was upset that someone was in it. Once we calmed down from that he was no longer into the the egg hunting. This was not a big deal. He went off to play in the firehouse and in the sandbox. 

The first egg! 

Found one! 

More eggs

Hunting for the hard to reach egg ! 

Putting eggs in the basket before the car issue! 

Playing in the firehouse! 

Playing in the sandbox! 

Rollie Pollies and Little Boys

Lately we have had quite the amount of rollie pollies entering our house. I am sure it is due to the weather. I am just glad it is not some other kind of bug. Almost every day we find between 5-10 in the house at any given time. Liam thinks this is great. He loves the rollie pollies or "ro ro" as he calls them. This can get confusing for me if I am not paying attention to what he is pointing at. See he has a pink train called Rosie the he also calls "ro ro". Every day Liam and I go on the "ro ro" hunt. The other day when our infestation began, Chris and Liam sat down and played with some rollies for  awhile. He really liked it. Now we take time out of our day during different activities to find and play with the rollies. This morning he put his new found "ro ro"on the back of his ambulance car. He thought this was great. He got to play cars with the "ro ro". It is taking some getting used to with all the dirt and bugs that little boys bring but I am learning to love every moment!

Showing off his new "ro ro"

He thought it was great that it was walking on his leg! 

Look Daddy it moved on my arm! 

These poor rollie pollies don't stand a chance with our Liam. I will say that we do relocate the rollie pollies back outside after a few minutes of playing with Liam. I am sure they are very relieved to be away from out little boy! 

Church Easter Egg Hunt

This year was a good age for egg hunts. Liam loved picking out is own car Easter basket. He had his eye on in for weeks at the store. Every time we would go he would shout for the car basket. So finally I caved and bought it. It has been a well loved toy since. Our Church holds an egg hunt every year. Last year he was not quite ready for the concept of hunting. This was our year! Before the hunt we had lots of festivities. We enjoyed the bounce house and the playground. Liam was unsure of the bounce house at first. He is just slow to warm to new ideas and things. After watching a lot of his friends play, he decided to give it a go. It took some more time inside the bounce house to get the idea down. But he loved it. 

I promise he really did like the bounce house. 

After the bounce house we played on the playground. Then it was time for the hunt! Liam was ready to go! It was kinda hot that afternoon. I am not sure why I dressed him in long sleeves and pants but he was a trooper with the hot weather. At first Liam wanted to hold all the eggs and not put them in the basket. He was having a hard time understanding that he could not hold all the eggs in his arms. Once Chris gave him some coaching, he was on the right track with the hunting. He had a great time! 

At the start of the egg hunt! 

Trying to decide if he should put the eggs in the basket! 

Hoarding the eggs again. 

Finally some more coaching from Daddy. 

Now we have got it!!! 

Mommy and Liam! 

Our Family! 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Lowery Park Zoo

During our trip to Florida, my dad and I took Liam to the zoo. They had a blast. This was the first zoo visit to Lowery park and the first time I let Liam out of the stroller. He loves running around from animal to animal. His favorite is a toss up between the monkey and the turtles. We spent the most time at these to places. The monkeys were very vocal. He loved watching the monkeys swing from the trees. 

Excited to see some birds! 

Liam and my dad! 

all smiles!

Liam and my dad watching the monkeys! 

The crazy monkeys! 

Liam looking at the turtles. He loved these turtle. They were chasing each other around the pond. The small turtle was the male and the large on was the female. It is turtle love in the air that day!  

Angie the llama. Liam didn't want to touch her but he did was to ride her! 
 After we saw Angie, we rode on the carousel. Liam loved it. It thought it was great going around and around. Plus his animal went up and down too!

Liam and I on the train ride! This was the prize winner of rides! He just loved it. 

He was fascinated with all the was going on around him with the train and the animals. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Florida Trip

Liam and I took a recent trip to Florida. We had a wonderful time. Liam enjoyed all his time with his Da and Nana. He also enjoyed the dogs. Liam and Monty became fast friends. Liam loved getting kisses form Monty! At one point Liam would lift up his shirt so Monty could like his belly! Liam did well with Aggie the bulldog. They had mutual understand that they would each leave the other alone. Liam was not a fan of the pool. He would not let go of me. After this pool experience we decided not to go ahead with swim lessons this summer. He did like sticking his feet on the first step of the pool. But that was as far as he would get to the pool. Maybe this summer he will grow to like the pool more. 

Liam loved being able to spread out on my dad's desk and use the computer.

The new Element was a big hit with Liam. He loved playing in the drivers seat! 

Driving Da's car

Liam was playing with his car and plane while my dad worked. This kept them both entertained for awhile.

The plane ride home was rough. Liam did not take a nap. We was a bit of a bear. Thankfully we were able to move from task to task. We also snacked a lot. He was in love with the Swedish fish. I was desperate, so he got a lot of snacks! 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Austin Trip

Chris and I were very lucky to be able to get away for a night. Chris and I left during nap time. Our friend Evan, watched Liam for us until Seamus was able to get out of work. Seamus, Pete and Cathy all helped with Liam. Liam was a trooper and did well.

Chris and I were off on an adventure to Austin. We really enjoyed all the wonderful quiet time in the car. I was even more excited to find a Steak n Shake just outside of Austin. But we were on a mission.............. Gourdough's donuts! We have heard so much about these donuts. We just had to put them on out must to do list!


We stopped off at Gourdough's for our round of amazing, melt in your mouth, more calories than one person should take in a day, donuts! 

 Mama's cake - homemade donut with cake batter filling with fudge icing! 

Flying pig - homemade donut with maple icing with bacon!

Chris and I loved our donuts so much we decided that we had to go back the next day for more. After our donut run we checked into our hotel room. We had a wonderful hotel and room at the Domaine in Austin. Chris and I able to go see a movie and eat a nice dinner. We truly enjoyed all quality time together. We were not much for staying up late. We were in bed and sound asleep by 1030pm. We did enjoy sleeping in! 

We had an amazing, late breakfast and we were off to do some shopping. Chris needed a new pair of sneakers and I got some new sandals! We also found a book store that was going out of business and we were able to get some great deals on books. I do love my books! 

After all the walking, we just had to stop and get some more donuts! 

Mother clucker - Homemade donut with honey butter and chicken tenders!

Pudding  with bacon - homemade donut with banana pudding filling, covered in more pudding, bananas, and nilla waffers...... Chris added bacon to his! 

With my first donut! 

ordering donuts!